Archaeological Sites and Megalithic Structures
In ancient times many large monuments and megalithic structures had been built across the globe with unusually large and heavy stones. Although it is often brought forward by orthodox researchers that ancient cultures from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean did not have any form of communication before the Precolombian age, there are certain striking similarities between them that would imply however that these cultures could have descended from an earlier, common civilization, or there must have been some form of communication going on between them, or both.
During the year 1992 the German toxicologist Svetlana Balabanova discovered traces of cocaine, hashish and nicotine on the hair of various Egyptian mummies. (Nicotine is an organic compound that occurs in a relatively high concentration in the tobacco plant, but it also occurs in the leaves of the coca plant.) The discovery is remarkable because in Africa there would be no coca- and tobacco plants before Columbus voyaged to America. Even though other researchers also found the presence of cocaine and nicotine in Egyptian mummies, the mainstream Egyptologists always have been extremely sceptical because it would be unthinkable for them that there would have been transatlantic contact in ancient Egyptian times, because then the coca plant would only have existed in South-America.
Many ancient cultures did
build large pyramids or pyramid-like structures. There have been
found large pyramids in North and South America, Egypt, China, and
some smaller ones in Greece, the Canary Islands and Indonesia. The
ancient Egyptians and likewise the inhabitants of the Americas
developped their own distinct hieroglyphic writing
Mummification had not solely been practised in Egypt,
but also in South America, China and the Canary Islands, and within
the belief systems of Egypt, the America's and the Canary Islands,
the sun was held in high reverence. Because of the far more isolated
location, it seems that the customs of mummification and the building
of small pyramids originated from the Canary Islands, which would have
been part of the continent of Atlantis. According to various
researchers and psychic intuitives; the Atlanteans sought refuges and
therefore established colonies in the Americas, to Europe and also in
Egypt, because of the upheavals within their home land.
Egypt, Peru (Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo) and Easter Island,
there are certain walls which are consisting of very heavy
interlocking stone blocks of various sizes, seamlessly pieced
together like a puzzle, and without the use of composite building
material. Also, if one closely examines the stones of both Caïro and
Machu Picchu, one can see that on a lot of them there are particular
bumps at the bottom of the stones and these bumps on the stones from
Caïro are looking so strikingly similar to those from Machu Picchu
that it seems as if the very same technique was used to prepare the
stones. It is still unknown how these bumps could have formed and if
this could have served a certain purpose.
Walls of Caïro in Egypt (left), Machu Picchu in Peru (middle), and Easter Island (right)
Also, the stones in Sacsayhuaman and Machu Picchu seem to
have strangely deformed; as if they could have molten the stone by
which they could edit the stone easily to close the gaps between the
stones. Such stone would however only melt at extreme high
temperatures, but then it would burst - under normal circumstances.
According to psychic intuitive Dr. Douglas James Cottrell, in ancient
times they would have cut the rock by heating it up with light that
was concentrated into laser. The heated up segments of the rock would
melt like lava, and concentrated sound frequency was used hereby to
discard (blow away) the unwanted parts of the rock (blow away). But
not with air, otherwise it would cool and solidify again. (See: "Rev.
Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Puma Punku - Sacred Site of the Andes",
by Rammsteinregeln.)
Hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon also mentioned this Atlantean technology in her book: "Conversations with Nostradamus - Volume One" (1989):
thing about Atlantis that scientists will have to realize is that they
used stone the way the 20th century uses metal. They had ways of
working stone, of making it malleable like clay and then letting it
harden again to stone. They worked with forces and energies that could
be conducted through stone the way electricity is conducted through
metal. He says it was a civilization based on a totally different
concept of the world. Hence, when the archaeologists find it, it will
be difficult for them to understand what they do find."
These megalithic structures were built with
very heavy stones. As it would be theoretically not impossible to
move heavy stones with for example tree trunks, it would be yet a completely
different story how they have could have lifted these stones
without the use of machinery. Although there are theories that they
could have done this with primitive means, many of these structures
include stones are multiple tons in weight and whereof lifting is
deemed only possible with special hoisting cranes. How could they
have lifted them in ancient times without the aid of machines? Today's
scholars ask themselves how they possibly could have lifted the
granite stones within the Great Pyramid of Giza to the "Kings
Chamber", located far at the top of the pyramid. Why did they go
into the trouble of dealing with such heavy stones as they could used
lighter and smaller stones that would finish the job much more easier
and faster?
According to psychic intuitives, the placing of
the stones went fast and easy however thanks to the aid of
antigravity technology which the Atlanteans had to their disposal
during the time of the technological advancements of Atlantis.
Unfortunately it had been mostly forgotten in one of the later
periods (Possibly because of the malfunctioning of the energy
network). That is why Plato mentions wooden boats in his dialogs
instead of technologically advanced achievements, and we see Egyptian
reliefs from the later dynasties where they transported large
statues with merely man power. From the scientific knowledge of
anti-gravity, merely the legends of magic and flying carpets remain.
In Costa Rica, within Central America, we find
the Diqius Delta.
were there are many huge stone balls that are laying around here since
ancient times. These stone balls are clearly man-made, but their
purpose - and who made them - is unknown. Most of these are made of
granoduirite, a hard, igneous stone. Their size ranges from as small as
a tennis ball to a huge 8 feet in diameter; weighing 16 tons, and its
spherical precision and smoothness is of such a perfection that it
would be impossible to re-create these without the use of power tools,
though, maybe only if one wanted to put an incredible amount of time
into this, perhaps as much as a life time. Another puzzling part
of the mystery is that they are not only found in Central America, but
also in other parts of the world including Malta, Easter Island and New
There are theories that these balls were once star maps,
aligned to planets and stars if they were never had been moved. In
one of his sessions about this subject, psychic intuitive Dr. Douglas
James Cottrell told that these balls were used as "holding or
loadstones" to balance these vehicles that would need to be
tethered, and sometimes they were used as counterweights. Though he
did not mention the kind of vehicles, it may be possible that these
were ships and/or air balloons. (See: "Rev.
Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Miscellany vol. 4 - World mysteries",
by Rammsteinregeln.)
There are still more noteworthy
similarities between the various pyramids in the world:
The Chinese pyramids have a more or less flattened top like the pyramids in Teotihuacan in Mexico.
The pyramids of Giza in Egypt originally were - like the Chinese White Pyramid - also white of color, because they were completely covered with white casing stones.
The remarkable existence of liquid mercury found in one pyramid in China and in four pyramids in Meso-America. This concerns the tomb of the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan, and within three other sites in Central America; two of the Mayans and one of the Olmecs. (More information in the chapter about "China".)
Dispite all this evidence that points to a very specific style
of architecture and customs practised in places far away from each
other, most archaeologists today still believe that there had been no
pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact in the ancient past.